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DAY 026 : Now you're talking 점시시간 이용해서 6문장 또 암기해 봅니다.왠지 드라마에서 재혼을 할려고 한는 부부가 나오는 장면이 생각나내요.이번 회에서는 jusb because..~~ doesn't mean 문장이 눈에 들어옵니다.Just because it is the long weekenddoesn't mean that we should be unproductive. 1.native : Why are you in a hurry? . just slow down.I can't wait to get married and live with you. just because we go out dosen't mean we have to get married.I see what you mean, take whatever time you nee.. 2018. 2. 12.
DAY 025 : Let it go 영어회화 온라인스터디 25일까지 왔내요.. 오늘 표현은 쉬워서 적다가 다 외웠지만.1초만에 답변하기 위해서는 연습이 필요합니다. MP3로 확인하는 부분만 짤라서 몇번더 확인해니다. 1. nativeI owe you an apology, I forgot your birthday.Come on. Let it go.I promise, it will never happen againNo problem, it could be happen to anyone.I want to make up for missing itForget it, I don't want to twist your arm. 리뷰 - D24_복습.mp3 * 저자 소개 http://muncoach.com/221118693095* 온라인 강의 전용카페 http://cafe.d.. 2018. 2. 10.
1218개의 드론이 평창 하늘에 수놓은 오륜기 [평창동계올림픽 개막식 CG가 아닌 진짜 드론 이라니~~~ 2018. 2. 10.
DAY 024 : Here we go again - D24... Are you sure this is what you want to do? Don't you get it? I have made it clear. I Hate to say this, but you're dead worng. / if you don't trust me, count me out. oh no. Here we go again.What I want you to do is take some action. * 저자 소개 http://muncoach.com/221118693095 * 온라인 강의 전용카페 http://cafe.daum.net/englishmento 2018. 2. 9.
DAY 023 : Just throw away 영어회화 100일 1. native : I want to see if she want to come back.After splitting up, it's good to go your seperate ways. Should I give back the things she got me?just throw them away. What's the point of keeping them? I have no idea how I can get over her. I'll set you up with a nice girl form my class 3. 리뷰 - 내가 우리반에 괜찮은 애(girl) 한명 소개해줄께..를 영어로~~ 2018. 2. 8.
DAY 022 : Let's go for a drive 정말 쉬운 영어지만 한번 외워보면 술술 나오지는 않내요.한글로 들었을데 1초만에 자동 반사적으로 나올정도로 연습...연습.연습할부분 네이티브 부분만 mp3로 편집해서 올립니다. 쉬운 영어로 술술 나오게 외우기.. 영어가 쉬워서 자녀들과 함께 외워도 좋습니다. 1. native Let's go for a drive atter moive.Sure, What movies are playing now?' have you seen "interview by any chance?I thought it would be good, but was taken in by the ad you're not allowed tell me the story.got it, hurry up or we'll be late. 2. 강좌 : .. 2018. 2. 7.