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DAY 026 : Now you're talking

by 인사이드아웃 2018. 2. 12.

점시시간 이용해서 6문장 또 암기해 봅니다.

왠지 드라마에서 재혼을 할려고 한는 부부가 나오는 장면이 생각나내요.

이번 회에서는 jusb because..~~ doesn't mean 문장이 눈에 들어옵니다.

Just because it is the long weekend

doesn't mean that we should be unproductive.

1.native : 

Why are you in a hurry? .  just slow down.
I can't wait to get married and live  with you.

just because we go out dosen't mean we have to get married.
I see what you mean, take whatever time you need.

now you're talking.
People say that we're a good match.

출처 : https://youtu.be/-JTlN2A2bi4

3. 리뷰 ~