분류 전체보기172 DAY 064 : It's worth visiting 1.대화듣고 적기 Have you ever been to that new family restuarnt? No, Do you think It's worth visiting ?Absolutely you will be sorry If you miss that place. How do you learn of it?by word of mouth, a friend of mine told me. What was the name of that place? 2. 온라인강좌 및 출처https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwzM-b8FL14&t=53s 3.리뷰 4. 응용표현 you will be sorry if you miss that movie 2018. 4. 14. DAY 062 : It tastes funny 62과 까지 오면서 몇가지 표현들 특히.. you shouldn't have를 좀더 자연스럽게 쓰게 됩니다. 1.대화 듣고 적기 Dinner is ready. come and get it. I"ll skip my dinner, I lost my appetiteyou shouldn't have a snacked before a meals Mon, I think this soup tastes funny. Ok fine, have it you way May I be excused?2.온라인강좌 및 출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQD7bLu0N0g&t=17s3. 리뷰 2018. 4. 14. DAY 063 : Save my seat 63일차.. 주말을 이용해서 70과까지.. 올려봐야겠내요 난 극장에 가운데 앉는게 양쪽에 사람들이 있어서 가능하면 가운데 사이드에 앉늗데. I want seats on the side, I hate sitting in the middle..이렇게 표현하면 되겠내요 1.대화듣고 적기 The tickets are almost sold out I want seats in the middle, I hate sitting on the sideDo you want some popcorn or drinks? Sure, The show is about to start. Let's get in Nature calls me, Save my seat OK, I need to put my phone on vibrate. 2... 2018. 4. 14. DAY 061 : You're on the right track just around the corner , Form now on 같은 표현은 들으면 이해가 되지만 내가 써보지는 못했던 표현입니다. 요즘 과거의 행동때문에 전부를 잃어버리는 사람들이 많은데 he should take responsibility for your past 라고 표현하면 되겠내요 61일차.도 이렇게 외워갑니다. 1.대화 듣고 적기Christmas is just around the cornerI can't believe it's already the end of the yearI deeply reflect (on) myself at this time of yearcommon, you're on the right track From now on I'll try not to (live) in th.. 2018. 4. 11. DAY 060 : I'm between jobs 60일차 ..4월 초까지는 다 끝낼줄 알았는데 아직 한침입니다.그래도 하길 했으니 끝까지 가봅니다.. 맨땅에 해딩 이라는 표현이 영어에도 비슷하게 있내요 땅이 아닌 벽으로.. 1. 오디오 I (haven't) seen you around for a whileI'm between jobs so I'm been lying lowDon't work to hard and take your time.it's like beating my head against (the )wallI think you are kind of late bloomerThank's . I'm so flattered 2. 온라인강의 및 출처: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHiUR5kazK4&t=788s 3. 복습 2018. 4. 11. 주민등록증 발급일자 확인법 주민등록증 발급일자 확인법민원24 > 확인서비스(상단메뉴) > 주민등록증 발급상황 조회http://www.minwon.go.kr/etc/AA090_jumincard_issue_situation.jsp 성명, 주민번호 입력후 발급일자를 확인할 수 있습니다.공인인증서 필요. 2018. 4. 9. 이전 1 ··· 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ··· 29 다음