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영어이야기/영어회화100일의 기적

DAY 063 : Save my seat

by 인사이드아웃 2018. 4. 14.

63일차.. 주말을 이용해서 70과까지.. 올려봐야겠내요

난 극장에 가운데 앉는게 양쪽에 사람들이 있어서 가능하면 가운데 사이드에 앉늗데.
I want seats on the side, I hate sitting in the middle..이렇게 표현하면 되겠내요 

1.대화듣고 적기

The tickets are almost sold out
I want seats  in the middle, I hate sitting on the side

Do you want some popcorn or drinks?
Sure, The show is about to start. Let's get in

Nature calls me, Save my seat
OK, I need to put my phone on vibrate.

2.영상강의 /


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