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DAY 084 : It's pouring ~할 가능성이 높다. There is a good chance~ 로 표현.하내요~ 1.듣고 적기 Look outside. it's pouring I don't feel like cooking. Let' send out for Chinese food What's the weather going to be like tomorrow. There is a good chance it will raining in the atfernoon Too bad, we have to be cooped up at home on Sunday. Damm it, there goes my weekend 2. 온라인강좌 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc9HoxRfqlg&t=817s 3. 리뷰 2018. 5. 20.
DAY 083 : Just get to the point 1. 대화듣고 적기this work is beyond my ability. i'm not sure if I can do it. Stop beating around bush just get to the point I'm pulling my weight. I deserve a raise pay raise, don't start with that again. I going to / put in for transfer /to another division Please stop presuring a me , you're driving me crazy 2.온라인강좌 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lmucp9Xjmjs&t=7s 3.리뷰 2018. 5. 20.
DAY 082 : Let me sleep on it 1.대화듣고 적기 Can I help you find something? I'm wondering if you can give me a discount on this that's a steal, We're selling these at cost I don't like to haggle but it's way to expansive why don't you try it on for size? If you can't come down , Let me sleep on it 2. 온라인 강좌 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljutt9ILWhg3. 리뷰 : 2018. 5. 17.
DAY 081 : You didn't come out great 1. 대화듣고 적기 you didn't come out great in this picture. Too be honest, I'm a little camera- shy?you look better than your picture that's what everybody tells me you better change your mind and have confidence. On second thought, you have a point. 2. 온라인강좌 및 출처 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bcqU67T73k&t=9s 3. 리뷰 2018. 5. 15.
100일의 기적 - 6과 -10과 리뷰 복습으로 6과에서 10과 올립니다 한국어를 듣고 1초만에 나오는지 연습해보세요. 6. 7. 8,Can you give me a hand? 9.Want to come along? 10. 출처 : https://www.youtube.com/user/muncoach/videos 2018. 5. 14.
100일 회화 - 1과 -5과 리뷰 영어회화 100일의 기적 - 문코치님 책을 공부하신분들을 위해1과-5과까지 리뷰 올립니다. 한글을 듣고 2초만에 바로 나오는지 확인해보세요. 영어책 한권 외워봤니~ 책을 보신 분들은 공감할거에요.1과 리뷰 2과 :DAY 002 : Don't mention it 3과 리뷰 4과 리뷰 5과 리뷰출처 : https://www.youtube.com/user/muncoach/videos 2018. 5. 13.