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영어이야기/영어회화100일의 기적

DAY 043 : I go along with that

by 인사이드아웃 2018. 3. 18.

43일.. / Now that you mention it.. / I go along with that.

1. 듣기

Are you learning English these days?
I just started , I think it'll help with my future. 

it'll probably take a while before you get fluent.
Now that you mention it, i'm getting cold feet.

No worries, they say "well begun is half done

I go along with that.

2. 온라인스터디


3. 복습

* 영어회화 100일의 기적 블로그 : http://muncoach.com/
* 온라인 강의 전용카페 http://cafe.daum.net/englishmento

'영어이야기 > 영어회화100일의 기적' 카테고리의 다른 글

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