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cnn-10 - AI

by 인사이드아웃 2019. 5. 30.


CNN 10 - May 9, 2019 - part3_AI.mp3

Its supporters say machines are less likely to make mistakes and
can sometimes complete task faster than people. 

machines can`t always make accurate judgments or think creatively
but that they can replace jobs.


 One day artificial intelligence  could have that same revolutionary impact 
and the businesses that start embracing it now could benefit the most.

We really wanted to save time and focus more on quality,

A.I. solutions were the best way  to go faster on these challenges for us

L`Oreal launched two projects in partnership with artificial intelligence startups.

Eva says that these numbers aren`t meant to replace human judgment
 but rather suggest people who might not seem like the obvious choice

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