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DAY 075 : Hope it works out

by 인사이드아웃 2018. 5. 9.

어떻게 사고가 났어? 누가 그런지 찾았어..
이 표현은 오늘 사고찬 친구에게 써먹어봐씁니다. ^^

1. 대화 받아적기

how did you get into an accident?
A men crashed into my car and ran away.

That was close, Did you figure out who did that?
Yes , but he was trying to put the blame on me.

you're out of luck today, hope it works out for you
I was so upset, I almost burst into tears

2. 동영상강좌 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nECbT5RwlhM

3. 리뷰:  한국말 듣고 바로 영어가 되는지 확인