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영어이야기/영어회화100일의 기적

DAY 068 : Sorry to hear that

by 인사이드아웃 2018. 4. 17.

쌀쌀맞게 굴다..ㄱ give her the cold shoulder.. 라고 표현하내요..

1.대화듣고 적기

She has a big mouse, she can't keep a secret
That's why you give her the cold shoulder right?

What would you do If you were in my shoes?
Well, I haven't given it a lot thought !

Anyway, She's kind of a pain the neck
I'm sorry to hear that

2. 온라인강의 및 출처 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XVahY1wi20&t=2s

3. 리뷰

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