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Coco Trailers & Film Clips | Disney

by 인사이드아웃 2018. 2. 4.

꼭 극장에서 추천 하는 영화 코코..

죽은 사후의 세계가 있다면 꼭 이랬으면 좋겠다.

내가 보고 싶어하는 사람들은 내가 매일 생각하니  사후세계에서 사라지지 않을테고

내가 사후세계에 가면 꼭 다시 만날 테니까.

엄마 생각이 나서 많이 울었던 영화

Never forget how much your family loves you

자료 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF9Ixfq4BCI

Watch the official trailers and clips from Disney•Pixar's Coco!

You can see the film in theaters this Thanksgiving, and see “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure,” playing before the film.


When life gets me down, I play my guitar

The rest of the world may follow the rules
But I  must follow my heart.

You know that feeling like there's a song in the air
and it's playing just for you?

Never underestimate the power of music.
No one was going to hand me my future
It was upto me to reach for my dream
Grap it tight, and make it come true

you're going to get me in trouble, Dante.
someone can hear me
I wish someone wanted to hear me.. other than you.

I know i'm not supposed to love music. 

But my great-grandmama coco's father was  the greatest musician of all time

One day, he left with his guitar and never retrurnded
Now my family thinks music is a curse.

none of them understand me.

i'm supposed to play music.

you got to stay with me, boy.

you are really out there.

Agents at the Department of Family Reunios
are available to assist you.

Please be on the lookout for a living boy

I will get you to him 
I'm walking like a skeleton.
No skeletons don't walk like that. 
it's how you walk

When there's no one left in the living world who remember you,
you disappear from this world. 

But you can chage that.
you got to find my great great -grandpa

You got to do is by sunrise.
What happens at sunrise?
you will be stuck here forever.

Never forget how much your family loves you

One cannot deny who one is meant to be..

I'm teriibly allergic.
But Dante doesn't have any hair.

And I don't have a nose and yet, here we are

Abulita runs the house just like Mama Imeda did . 

I think we're the only family in  mexico who hates music.
And my family's fine with that. But me.

I'm not like the rest of my Family

they're setting up for tonight.
the music compettion for Dai de Muertos. 
you want to be like your hero?
You should sign up

My family would freak.
Look if you're too scared then well,
have fun making shoes.

Comon, What did de la Curz  alwasy say?
Seize your moment

Show me what you got. muchacho.
I will be your first audience. 


you thought we weren't ?
well i don't know
i thought it might've been 
one of those made-up things that aduls tell kids
like vitamins

Miguel, vitamin are a real thing.

Well i'm thinking maybe they could be.